Shaping brighter futures

Jobbio was founded as a careers marketplace with a vision: to change the way companies interact with talent, and transform the recruitment landscape. Following a period of international growth and investment, the time was right to ensure their brand was delivering on the dream.

What we did
  • Positioning
  • Principles
  • Visual & verbal identity
  • Brand book


Having reached over 100,000 users and 3,000 companies, Jobbio needed to expand and refresh—visually, verbally and experientially. Through workshops, interviews and stakeholder engagement, we helped Jobbio better define its target audience—moving them away from a one-size-fits-all approach, and towards tailored experiences for those looking for more flexible, lifestyle-driven or aspirational roles. Defining the new types of career hunters, and ensuring we crafted a solution to meet their needs.


Whether through event programmes, thought leadership or recruitment initiatives, every Jobbio moment was about getting the right people, in the right place, at the right time. To ensure this purpose continued to guide the brand in its next era, we developed three core principles: to make connections, create chemistry, and propel growth through challenge. Each, in their own way, link back to the cornerstone of the brand: where it’s all about people being able to do what they love.


Having outlined this new proposition and experience, we then amplified it across Jobbio’s verbal identity and visual system. From colour and content to tonality and messaging, we found the best and most effective methods for the brand to target talent and activate the vision—ensuring its heart, ambition and disruptive spirit was felt with every interaction. To give guidance internally and unite the individual elements of the brand refresh, our cohesive brand book gives Jobbio’s own employees the means to design, speak about, and represent the brand.

“Jobbio was getting bigger by the day but we didn’t have a consistent tone of voice or brand identity. The team at Rowdy were great to work with – from briefing, through to workshops all the way to creative presentation – they understood our needs and the tight timeframe. 

The Jobbio brand now has a consistent voice and look that we are exceptionally proud of.”

Grace Looney, Head of Marketing, Jobbio