Coworking that works

What we did
  • Naming
  • Positioning
  • Visual & verbal Identity
  • Website
  • Social media
  • Interior Graphics
  • Wayfinding


This Time Next Year, where will you be? Well on the way to global domination? Working on a team twice the size? Or making a living doing the thing you love?
Regardless of the ambition, you need more than just a great space you need to be around great people too. This Time Next Year offers that community in
Leyton, where creative industries and innovative businesses are thriving. A space designed to give workers the things they need – flexibility, community,
technology, space, light and inspiration – all within minutes of central London.


Four words with four letters each stacked to represent the four floors of the building. The tight structure is disrupted by lines to reflect the individuals using
the space. It’s about encouraging people to join the space and make their mark. Planning, creating connections, facing challenges and making mistakes are
all part of growing a business. To reflect this process the lines flow through the rest of the visual identity incorporating arrows, continuous lines and layered


We knew from the very beginning that the digital promotion of the space would be key to finding the right members and letting people know they were open.
We designed and developed a website that introduced the space, all the great features and any pricing details people need to hear about but also introduced
Leyton to the TTNY community. We helped develop the tone of voice and visual style to be used across the social media channels and continue to support the
onsite social team with visuals and animations.

Transform Europe Awards

We are delighted to share that Rowdy came home with a bronze award for “Best strategic or creative development of a new brand” at the Transform Europe
Awards. The awards recognise best practice in corporate product and global brand development work with categories that focus on strategy execution
content and evaluation. More than that it is a platform for organisations to tell their stories and to discuss reputational change.