Brand architecture

How do your audiences navigate your portfolio? Whether separate entities or distinct services, brand architecture is your external roadmap.

/ What we do

What do we do?

We find the logic in your different offerings, segments and business units—creating clear differentiation between your services for your customers. To do it, we understand your overall objective as a business, before identifying any sub-brands, brand extensions or upcoming developments in the pipeline. After which it’s about stress-testing and future-thinking, before we define your model.

Why does it matter?

Consumer demands are changing. So new innovations, mergers and sector pivots from organisations can only be anticipated in response. Brand architecture helps make sense of moving pieces: establishing clarity between offerings for your customers, highlighting opportunities for increased revenue across your business units, and building a unified internal culture for talent to get behind.

What we offer

  • Brand architecture
  • Portfolio mapping
  • Scenario mapping
  • Merger & acquisition roadmap

Now let’s talk about you

Ready to match your business goals with your brand? Or maybe, time to take your idea for a product or service and make it a reality?

Well, we like to talk and make things happen. So get in touch and let’s get thinking.